Security News > 2023 > September > Sysadmin and spouse admit to part in 'massive' pirated Avaya licenses scam

Sysadmin and spouse admit to part in 'massive' pirated Avaya licenses scam
2023-09-20 12:17

A sysadmin and his partner pleaded guilty this week to being part of a "Massive" international ring that sold software licenses worth $88 million for "Significantly below the wholesale price."

After agreeing to a plea deal, the Pearces must also forfeit at least $4 million as well as gold, silver, collectible coins, cryptocurrency, and a vehicle, and "Make full restitution to their victims," the US Department of Justice said.

The pair from Tuttle, Oklahoma - a city better known for its cattle ranchers and alfafa hay than pirated software - were alleged to have sold pirated Avaya business telephone system software licenses.

Brad Pearce had previously worked as a customer service employee at Avaya, and was said to have used his admin privileges to "Generate tens of thousands of ADI software license keys" that he sold to his main customer, Jason Hines, as well as "Other customers, who in turn sold them to resellers and end users around the globe," said the DoJ. Hines, an Avaya reseller from Caldwell, New Jersey, was the Pearces' biggest client, say the feds, buying over 55 percent of the stolen licenses - and "Significantly influenced how the scheme operated." Hines ran Direct Business Services International, a de-authorized Avaya reseller, in New Jersey.

The DoJ claims Hines suggested he and Brad Pearce work together to "Corner" the market in licenses - with Pearce supposedly telling Hines that customers could not obtain same-day ADI software licenses "From anyone else for anything even close to the Pearces' prices."

The Pearces are said to have funneled their ill-gotten gains through PayPal to multiple bank accounts, after which they transferred the money to numerous other accounts as well as buying "Large quantities of gold bullion and other valuable items."

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