Security News > 2023 > September > It's a Zero-day? It's Malware? No! It's Username and Password

It's a Zero-day? It's Malware? No! It's Username and Password
2023-09-01 09:10

We introduce Silverfort Unified Identity Protection, a comprehensive solution that offers enhanced security for AD environments against the misuse of compromised credentials.

AD environments are highly vulnerable to attacks that make use of compromised credentials.

The weakness of AD's security capabilities beyond simple username and password matching is regularly abused by adversaries who execute lateral movement attacks.

Since AD lacks the ability to differentiate between a legitimate authentication and a malicious one using compromised credentials, adversaries can move laterally within the AD environment, escalating privileges and accessing critical resources undetected.

To counter the misuse of compromised credentials in AD environments, organizations need a comprehensive security solution that offers continuous monitoring, risk analysis, and active response.

Are compromised credentials in the AD environment a concern for you? Schedule a call with one of our experts.

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