Security News > 2023 > August > Google Chrome to shield encryption keys from promised quantum computers

Google Chrome to shield encryption keys from promised quantum computers
2023-08-12 10:27

The Chocolate Factory is doing so because some day, many very bright people believe, quantum computers will be able to break at least some legacy encryption schemes.

Google in 2019 said it had conducted an experiment that demonstrated quantum supremacy - the idea that a quantum computer could outperform a classical one.

By adding support for a hybrid KEM, Chrome should provide a stronger defense against future quantum attacks.

She also pointed out that President Biden last year signed H.R.7535, The Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, which requires US government agencies to begin moving toward quantum resilient cryptography.

"At QuSecure we are working from a parallel angle allowing organizations and governments to enable quantum resilient encryption for their own data and that of their users. We will sometimes hear our clients asking if it's already too late to deploy this kind of technology to protect their data if some of it has already been harvested. The answer is absolutely not, but we cannot wait any longer."

Second, said Krauthamer, the arrival of capable quantum computers should not be thought of as a specific, looming date, but as something that will arrive without warning.

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