Security News > 2023 > July > Think tank calls for monitoring of Chinese AI-enabled products

Think tank calls for monitoring of Chinese AI-enabled products
2023-07-27 18:54

Chinese made AI-enabled products should spark similar concerns to Middle Kingdom sourced 5G equipment and therefore be regulated, said think tank Australian Strategic Policy Institute on Thursday.

In a report, titled "De-risking Authoritarian AI," ASPI's Simeon Gilding argued that AI-enabled products present perhaps an even greater risk than 5G which is also more difficult to mitigate.

Once the AI-enabled technologies and systems are installed, they are most likely equipped with automatic internet and software updates that could place their use beyond user line of sight.

Exactly because AI will be implemented in so many ways - lurking in the background while potentially shaping the way societies think by influencing behavior online, enacted in ways that gatekeep jobs and credit, and also implemented in systems like traffic grids, maritime operations or rail systems - it will be impossible to control.

Although governments are currently rushing to regulate AI itself, AI-enabled products and services from authoritarian countries are likely to be overlooked, said the think tank.

Therefore ASPI's recommendations include a three-part framework of auditing, red teaming and regulating AI-enabled products.

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