Security News > 2023 > July > Companies encounter months-long delays in filling critical security positions

Despite increased cybersecurity discussions at the C-suite and boardroom level, a sharp juxtaposition has emerged between executives who believe that every security alert is being addressed and the teams on the ground addressing the alerts.
70% of executives believe that all alerts are being handled by their security team, while only 36% of front-line roles responsible for managing alerts agree.
While the use of automation is increasing in popularity to overcome these challenges, a notable disconnect also exists in understanding the security team's skill set and available resources to adopt heavy-scripting automation tools.
These challenges have led one-third of organizations to believe they will never have a fully-staffed security team with the proper skills.
More than nine out of 10 participants report business issues resulting from security team turnover, including slower threat identification, response and remediation, and the inability to address alerts.
78% of organizations that handle every alert said they use low-code security automation in their security stack.
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