Security News > 2023 > July > Liberté, Égalité, Spyware: France okays cops snooping on phones

Per Le Monde, lawmakers from French president Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party added several amendments to what's been dubbed the "Snoopers' charter" - requiring remote spying only be used "When justified by the nature and seriousness of the crime," and even then only for a "Strict and proportional" length of time.
French justice minister Éric Dupond-Moretti said the bill will only apply to a few dozen cases per year and, rather than being a way for France to get government-sponsored spyware onto the devices of anyone accused of a crime, will save lives.
"A cyber security incident has impacted a third-party software from Progress called MOVEit Transfer, which was running on a Shell IT platform," Shell explained in a brief statement about the breach.
Cl0p last hit Shell two years ago in a similar manner - that time involving file transfer software made by Accellion, which has since rebranded as Kiteworks.
To make matters worse, Shell's report of the breach comes just a day before Progress, maker of MOVEit, released a service pack to address three additional serious vulnerabilities in its code.
Progress said the MOVEit service packs will be a regularly-released security measure to combat exploitation of its software, so anyone yet to flee to another service provider should get patching, lest you end up like Shell.
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