Security News > 2023 > May > Thinking straight in the SoC: How AI erases cognitive bias

Thinking straight in the SoC: How AI erases cognitive bias
2023-05-31 08:59

"Human psychology is important to consider from a security team perspective, because we all have cognitive biases," explains Darley.

How can AI help us to overcome these cognitive biases? Machine learning can analyse network traffic and identify anomalies or suspicious behaviour that could indicate a cyber attack.

"If you have applied AI to a cybersecurity problem, you can get evidence-based solutions that can show you which threat is empirically the biggest to your organisation," Darley says.

"When you use as much metric and data as you can, you move away from cognitive bias because you're not operating on instinct," Darley explains.

Cognitive bias is buried deep in our brain's code, and we can't change that algorithm easily.

Darley sees AI is the whispering voice in the security pro's ear; the gentle assistant who presents an alternative point of view based on hard facts, helping to steer us right.

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