Security News > 2023 > May > Uncle Sam strangles criminals' cashflow by reining in money mules

Uncle Sam announced its commenced over 4,000 legal actions in three months - mostly harshly worded letters - to rein in "Money mules" involved in romance scams, business email compromise, and other fraudulent schemes.
Money mules are the individuals who provide money transfer services - occasionally unwittingly - to launder robbery funds.
"Anyone can be approached to be a money mule, but criminals often target students, those looking for work, and those on dating websites," USPS Inspector in Charge Eric Shen of the Criminal Investigations Group said in a statement.
In addition to the written scoldings outlining potential consequences for continuing to transmit illegal funds, the Feds also filed 12 civil or administrative actions, and criminal charges against 25 people for participating in the money laundering processes.
In a third criminal action, Serena Lieu, 55, of Westminster, California was charged in February for her role in allegedly laundering money from fraud victims after receiving a money-mule warning letter in 2019.
The push to disrupt these criminal networks is also part of a global effort to stop money muling.
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