Security News > 2023 > May > 5 API security best practices you must implement

DDoS: DDoS attacks request a huge number of connections, to exhausts resources and potentially lead to a crash as the attack overwhelms both APIs and the backend systems that supply data to the APIs.
Man in the middle attacks: MITM attacks occur when an outsider discreetly positions themself in a conversation between a user and an API endpoint, eavesdropping or impersonating one of the parties in a bid to steal or modify private data.
Mismanagement of tokens or API keys: Tokens and API keys are valid credentials that grant user access.
Using an API to expose only a section of your database guarantees that users can't access the entire system, but the revealed data must still be safeguarded.
Internal APIs: The low entry barrier makes it simple for any staff member to select and use top cloud services without assistance from IT. So IT teams must make sure they synchronize services via APIs to offer only necessary access, rather than allowing access to a variety of services for everyone in every department, which can quickly turn into a heavy administrative burden.
It's not just APIs that pose a potential risk to security.
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