Security News > 2023 > April > Over 70 billion unprotected files available on unsecured web servers

Across all industries, these vulnerabilities, composed of unprotected or compromised assets, data and credentials, have proven to be an increasing challenge for organizations to detect and secure.
Almost 1 in 10 of all detected internet-facing assets had an associated unpatched vulnerability.
More than 70 billion files, including intellectual property and financial information, are currently freely available, unprotected, on unsecured web servers.
Retail, with a disproportionately high number of malicious domains and many vulnerabilities detected in their assets.
Telecommunications, which ranked notably high in many of the risk areas we examined-open ports, unsecured databases, sensitive documents, leaked credentials and dark web activity.
"With the majority of detected risks originating from external assets and actors, the threats these industries face today are ultimately the same. This highlights an immediate need for a security mindset overhaul - passive and reactive security measures are no longer enough in today's security landscape. Cybersecurity teams must take a proactive and comprehensive stance on looking for early indicators of risk, which requires full visibility into the EASM including known assets, shadow assets, partner, vendor, supplier assets and more," concluded Keraudy.
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