Security News > 2023 > April > AI defenders ready to foil AI-armed attackers

AI defenders ready to foil AI-armed attackers
2023-04-20 08:34

Sponsored Feature For some time now, alerts concerning the utilisation of AI by cybercriminals have been sounded in specialist and mainstream media alike - with the set-to between AI-armed attackers and AI-protected defenders envisaged in vivid gladiatorial terms.

While its success rate gathers pace, AI in cybersecurity must transition beyond outdated perceptions that might prevent it from gaining the mainstream adoption critical for organisations to protect themselves against weaponised AI offensives when they kick-off at scale.

According to Forrester the value of the AI software market will be worth $64bn in 2025, with cybersecurity the fastest-growing AI software category within that.

"Threats will continue to come from every direction, in any form," Tan warns, "So it's imperative that security teams have access to AI-grade support tools. There's simply too much going on out there for even well-resourced security teams to contend with. Added to which their organisations' digital estates continue to expand: remote working, mobile devices, web conferencing, hybrid cloud - you name it. It's in helping them to monitor activity across these new-model estates, that Darktrace AI offers a unique advantage to stretched cyber-security resources."

Fourth on Darktrace's AI change agenda is demystification - moving away from seeing AI as an arcane technology that happens inside an unseen black box that's the preserve of AI adepts.

Tan adds: "Explainable AI helps customers feel trust toward the AI. But it also empowers them to take this AI to the business and say, 'this is what we found', and 'this is what the AI has said', discovering insights about their own digital estate. We want to bring the customer in, be open, have full disclosure, that's important to get customer acceptance, buy in. And with better understanding they use the AI better."

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