Security News > 2023 > April > New Rorschach ransomware is the fastest encryptor seen so far

New Rorschach ransomware is the fastest encryptor seen so far
2023-04-04 14:13

Following a cyberattack on a U.S.-based company, malware researchers discovered what appears to be a new ransomware strain with "Technically unique features," which they named Rorschach.

Among the capabilities observed is the encryption speed, which, according to tests from the researchers, would make Rorschach the fastest ransomware threat today.

The attacker used the Cortex XDR Dump Service Tool version to sideload the Rorschach loader and injector, which lead to launching the ransomware payload, "Config.ini," into a a Notepad process.

It took Rorschach 4.5 minutes to encrypt the data, whereas LockBit v3.0, considered the fastest ransomware strain, finished in 7 minutes.

Check Point assesses that Rorschach has implemented the better features from some of the leading ransomware strains leaked online.

At the moment the operators of the Rorschach ransomware remain unknown and there is no branding, something that is rarely seen on the ransomware scene.

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