Security News > 2023 > April > How can organizations bridge the gap between DR and cybersecurity?

How can organizations bridge the gap between DR and cybersecurity?
2023-04-04 04:30

Encouraging collaboration between your disaster recovery and cybersecurity teams can offer several benefits for your company, as both teams deal with risks, incidents, and the overall resilience of the organization's technology infrastructure.

Enhanced incident response: By working together, the teams can develop comprehensive incident response plans that address both cybersecurity threats and other disaster scenarios.

With roles clearly defined and communication lines open, next the teams must create cohesive processes and procedures that encompass both DR and cybersecurity functions.

Through drills, both teams know exactly what steps are needed in the incident response process and how to best work together for fast and effective response with minimal or no disruption to the business.

Taking shared visibility a step further, organizations should invest in technologies that bridge the gap between DR and cybersecurity operations by providing visibility into both areas from a unified dashboard.

Successfully integrating your DR and cybersecurity teams will also increase your stakeholder's, including your customers, partners, and investors, confidence in your cyber and operational maturity.

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