Security News > 2023 > March > Got Conti? Here's the ransomware cure to avoid paying up

Good news for ransomware victims: Kaspersky security researchers say they've cracked the Conti ransomware code and released a decryptor tool after uncovering leaked data belonging to the notorious Russian crime group.
The security shop's analysts uncovered a newer Conti malware variant in December 2022, and the leaked keys unlock this strain of the ransomware.
"In February 2022 after Conti declared its full support of the Russian government" and the illegal invasion of Ukraine, a sunflower nation security researcher leaked hundreds of Conti's internal files including its source code.
These different variants of Conti ransomware have since been used to infect computers over the last year.
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The Conti decryption tool comes about a month after the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency released a recovery script to help companies whose servers were scrambled in the recent ESXiArgs ransomware outbreak.
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