Security News > 2023 > February > Defending against AI Lobbyists

Defending against AI Lobbyists
2023-02-17 12:33

Our essay argued that the much heralded launch of the AI chatbot ChatGPT, a system that can generate text realistic enough to appear to be written by a human, poses significant threats to democratic processes.

While some of these activities are the longtime domain of human lobbyists, AI tools applied against the same task would have unfair advantages.

Any policy response to limit the impact of AI hacking on political systems would be critically vulnerable to subversion or control by an AI hacker.

We risk a dragnet that will exclude masses of human constituents that will use AI to help them express their thoughts, or machine translation tools to help them communicate.

We can use the same tools that would be effective in controlling human political influence to curb AI hackers.

Rather than trying to make it harder for AI to participate in the political process, make it easier for humans to do so.

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