Security News > 2023 > February > Regular Pen Testing Is Key to Resolving Conflict Between SecOps and DevOps

Regular Pen Testing Is Key to Resolving Conflict Between SecOps and DevOps
2023-02-15 09:28

As attack surfaces expand and applications become more complex, regular pen tests become a crucial component of a strong web application security posture.

Pen testing is often conducted periodically, which results in a "Security sprint" every time a new test is scheduled.

As part and parcel of shifting left and improving the workflows between DevOps and Security teams, web application security testing needs to be built into the development process.

A continuous testing approach is an effective way to integrate security testing into the development process so that organizations can identify vulnerabilities without disrupting release cycles.

Outpost24's Pen Testing as a Service provides continuous pen tests for web applications throughout a contract period, typically a year or longer.

Improved efficiency: PTaaS can help your SecOps communication with DevOps thanks to clear remediation steps and re-testing that allow for continuous development throughout the pen testing period.

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