Security News > 2023 > February > US teases more China tech sanctions, this time to deflate balloon-makers

US teases more China tech sanctions, this time to deflate balloon-makers
2023-02-10 06:31

The Chinese surveillance balloon that drifted across the US last week looks set to spark a new round of sanctions against Middle Kingdom tech firms.

Ned Price, the State Department spokesperson said on Thursday, "We're exploring taking action against PRC entities linked to the PLA that supported the balloon's incursion into US airspace."

Another State Department official earlier said the US government is "Confident that the balloon manufacturer has a direct relationship with China's military and is an approved vendor of the PLA, according to information published in an official procurement portal for the PLA.".

The FBI has detailed its efforts to recover the balloon, including efforts to "Determine the source of the balloon components."

The balloon clearly meets the same threshold, so sanctions of the sort imposed on Huawei, ZTE, and other Chinese companies would seem to be a proportionate response to a spy balloon being deployed towards sovereign airspace.

The State Department has not said what it plans to do to any entities identified as part of ongoing investigations of the balloon, but chip tech bans certainly offer a playbook to follow.

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