Security News > 2023 > February > A Hackers Pot of Gold: Your MSP's Data

In the private sector, health insurance firm Accuro reported an illegal download and dissemination of corporate data following the Mercury IT attack.
Even while new forms of authentication are being developed to make passwords obsolete, passwords remain the most common and most vulnerable method of securing data.
Once inside, an attacker is free to steal data from the target's organization and paralyze their systems with ransomware.
Specops Password Auditor is a free read-only password auditing tool that aids the decision-making of IT admins by scanning active directory for password-related security weaknesses.
Specops Password Auditor gets to the root of weak passwords by identifying the password policies that enabled their creation in the first place.
With the interactive reports generated by Specops Password Auditor MSPs can identify if their policies are compliant and which ones rely on default password policies.
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