Security News > 2023 > February > Trust, not tech, is holding back a safer internet

Trust, not tech, is holding back a safer internet
2023-02-06 09:30

We have so little reason to trust what's on offer or those offering it.

The state has to take on that role - usually late, usually badly, and usually against the wishes of those who like their crimes kept in the private sector, but usually to better effect than the alternatives.

State agencies concentrate on areas where IT is used to further more traditional crimes - drugs, extortion, organized theft and international money laundering, all those fun things.

Would you trust the police - by extension, the state - with your data, personal or corporate? Bit of a problem there, especially with so many governments constantly banging on about forcing open encryption standards whether you like it or not.

There are points in our virtual lives where trust just has to be given, if not in the inherent goodness of organizations but at least in the ability to take any misdemeanors to task.

Run services in the cloud as an organization, or use a VPN as an individual, and that's a lot more implicit trust.

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