Security News > 2023 > February > Finnish psychotherapy extortion suspect arrested in France

Finnish psychotherapy extortion suspect arrested in France
2023-02-06 19:13

Worse still, the company responsible for keeping that data secure decided to keep quiet about the intrusion, with the company CEO apparently deciding that he could get away with hiding the breach from the authorities as long as no publicly visible harm came of it.

The police have established that the suspect currently resides abroad. For this reason, he was remanded in absentia.

A European arrest warrant has been issued against the suspect.

An Interpol notice will also be issued against the suspect, who is a Finnish citizen and about 25 years of age.

Well, the Finns have just announced that the suspect has been apprehended in France, where he has been locked up while his extradition to Finland is being processed.

According to Krebs, the suspect was convicted of "Orchestrating more than 50,000 cybercrimes", but got away with a suspended sentence and a small fine, having been under 18 at the time of that criminal activity.

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