Security News > 2023 > January > Remote Vulnerabilities in Automobiles
In the USA, there are loads and loads of regulations about how a car is supposed to work and items it must have.
Seat belts and Air Bags are commonly understood to be in modern cars sold in USA. There are federal and state agencies that oversee this aspect.
Kit cars and bespoke cars must also comply with these rules.
Many aspects of modern cars, tractors and Big Rigs is found in the firmware computer chips that run many subsystems: brakes are a big one.
As many have discovered that when one of these chips fail, it's a big cost to replace the chip and/or circuit board.
You might be able to bespoke a "No entertainment" HUD, many cars from 5-10 years ago had minimal information on the HUD/UI. They still have integrated circuit systems for calibrating speed, cruise control, tire pressure and the bad news ENGINE CHECK light.
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