Security News > 2022 > December > GuLoader Malware Utilizing New Techniques to Evade Security Software

Cybersecurity researchers have exposed a wide variety of techniques adopted by an advanced malware downloader called GuLoader to evade security software.
In November 2021, a JavaScript malware strain dubbed RATDispenser emerged as a conduit for dropping GuLoader by means of a Base64-encoded VBScript dropper.
A recent GuLoader sample unearthed by CrowdStrike exhibits a three-stage process wherein the VBScript is designed to deliver a next-stage that performs anti-analysis checks before injecting shellcode embedded within the VBScript into memory.
"The shellcode employs several anti-analysis and anti-debugging tricks at every step of execution, throwing an error message if the shellcode detects any known analysis of debugging mechanisms," the researchers pointed out.
The shellcode also features scans for virtualization software.
"GuLoader remains a dangerous threat that's been constantly evolving with new methods to evade detection," the researchers concluded.
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