Security News > 2022 > December > When Being Attractive Gets Risky - How Does Your Attack Surface Look to an Attacker?

When Being Attractive Gets Risky - How Does Your Attack Surface Look to an Attacker?
2022-12-05 12:00

Multiple functions and teams within an organization can ultimately impact the way an attacker sees the organization's assets, or in other words, the external attack surface.

While there are good reasons to expose more assets to the internet, the price is an increased attack surface.

The bigger the attack surface is, and the more assets available to the adversary's "Playground," the more an organization will need to mitigate the risk of exposure.

The more an organization makes changes to its environment, the more it needs to assess the attack surface.

While the size of the external attack surface is a well-understood indicator of cybersecurity risk, another aspect that is just as critical - though more elusive to organizations today - is how attractive an attack surface is to potential attackers.

As a result, understanding the underlying risk and defining a plan to address it should be the organization's number one priority to control exposures in the external attack surface while delivering on business needs.

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