Security News > 2022 > December > Medibank prognosis gets worse after more stolen data leaked

Medibank prognosis gets worse after more stolen data leaked
2022-12-02 23:10

Australian health insurer Medibank's prognosis following an October data breach keeps getting worse as criminals dumped another batch of stolen customer data on the dark web.

Medibank said it's still analyzing the leaked data, which includes six "Sipped files in a folder called 'full' containing the raw data that we believed the criminal stole."

Medibank previously confirmed that crooks stole data belonging to nearly 10 million of its current and former customers.

Australia's data protection agency formally launched an investigation into Medibank's data privacy and security practices that led to the breach.

At the time it said it had taken down systems that run two sub-brands as a precaution, but that no customer data had been accessed at either those brands or Medibank itself.

About a week later it pedaled back the earlier assessment and said the crooks had been in contact to negotiate a deal to get the patient data back.

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