Security News > 2022 > December > Twenty years on, command-line virus scanner ClamAV puts out version 1

The ClamAV command-line virus scanner used on many Linux boxes has attained an important-looking milestone release: version 1.0.0.
It's not really the first finished version, of course.
Open source version numbering is something of a work of fiction, up there with "Of course I love you" and "The check's in the post," but even so, this particular milestone has been a while in coming.
ClamAV, which describes itself as "The open-source standard for mail gateway-scanning software", has finally emitted an official one-point-zero version, only six months after its 20th birthday - and what's more, it's a long-term support release, too.
After a few release candidates, the new version follows version 0.105.1 which appeared in July.
ClamAV is a command-line virus scanner, rather than the sort of real-time antivirus protection program that most Windows users have to be familiar with.
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