Security News > 2022 > November > Meta links US military to fake social media influence campaigns

Meta links US military to fake social media influence campaigns
2022-11-24 12:15

In its latest quarterly threat report, Meta said it had detected and disrupted influence operations originating in the US, and it calls out those it believes are responsible: the American military.

Meta said it picked up on three major covert influence operations on its platforms in the third quarter of the year, the first of which originated in the United States.

Meta previously reported on secretive influence ops being performed by the US in August, but didn't specify anything about its observations at the time outside of saying they originated within the country.

"Although the people behind this operation attempted to conceal their identities and coordination, our investigation found links to individuals associated with the US military," Meta said in the report [PDF].

In all, 39 Facebook accounts, 16 Pages, two Groups, and 26 Instagram accounts linked to the US military operation were terminated.

"The majority of this operation's posts had little to no engagement from authentic communities," Meta said.

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