Security News > 2022 > November > The pros and cons of using open-source Kubernetes security software

The pros and cons of using open-source Kubernetes security software
2022-11-21 04:00

Open source tools are a key part of the Kubernetes security environment, with most companies using open source Kubernetes security software, research by ARMO has revealed.

In a survey of The State of Kubernetes Open Source Security, 55% of respondents said they used at least some open source tools to keep their Kubernetes clusters safe; this includes those who use purely open source and those mix open source and proprietary solutions.

Almost a quarter of respondents use five or more different open source security tools for Kubernetes.

Digging deeper, 69% admit it's difficult or very difficult to integrate open source security tools into their existing Kubernetes stack.

"Open source tools are free, flexible and transparent, but they still tend to be narrow, doing only one thing very well," said Craig Box, VP Open Source at Armo.

"This survey shows that even organizations who use expensive black-box proprietary solutions often choose to use some open source options too. Another approach some companies are taking is to cobble together full Kubernetes security coverage from multiple tools, but then they run into integration challenges and can find themselves buried in alerts."

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