Security News > 2022 > November > 7 Reasons to Choose an MDR Provider

7 Reasons to Choose an MDR Provider
2022-11-16 12:19

MDR providers use highly accurate, continuously updated security tools and techniques to identify potential threats on your behalf.

Your MDR provider can establish automated remediation playbooks to ensure the threat is isolated and removed, including identifying any lateral movement or child processes initiated by the malware.

By partnering with an MDR provider - whether you collaborate with them throughout an incident or let them carry the ball - you benefit from their expertise and guidance.

Some MDR providers offer rigorous hunting capabilities to root out malicious files and other non-remediated threats within an organization's network.

Your MDR provider can fill your security gaps, whether they're short or long term.

Not sure what kind of MDR service is right for you? Check out Cynet's article, MDR Services: Choosing the Best Option for You, for some helpful guidance.

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