Security News > 2022 > November > Data sovereignty and compliance need help

Reader Survey Results Back in September, we asked readers of The Register about data sovereignty.
The figure that we initially thought surprising was that 48.1 percent of respondents still have their systems and data in private, on-prem data centres.
Because what one tends to find, even among companies chanting mantras like "Cloud First" and throwing apps and data into the public cloud is that there's usually a subset of systems that can't be - or simply aren't - moved from on-prem into the Azures and AWSs of the world for various reasons.
We went on to ask: How important is it for your organisation to store some or all of the information it processes in accordance with national/regional data sovereignty rules/guidelines? Unlike the first question, you only got to pick one answer here, which 129 people did.
On the overall importance of data sovereignty the readership were clear: Critical scored way more than all the others put together.
Because despite it being actually quite tricky to nail down a precise, agreed definition of what data sovereignty actually is, it's nonetheless a concept that people are certainly concerned with, that they're thinking about, and that they're doing something to address.
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