Security News > 2022 > November > Country that still uses fax machines wants to lead the world on data standards at G7

Country that still uses fax machines wants to lead the world on data standards at G7
2022-11-15 09:43

Even though Japan lags behind the rest of the developed world in digital transformation, it hopes to create global data flow standards for discussion at next year's G7 meetings.

Speaking at STACK 2022 - a developers' conference in Singapore on Tuesday - Japan's minister of digital affairs, Taro Kono, said: "Next year, 2023, we are hosting G7 meetings in Japan, where we'd like to talk about DFFT - data free flow with trust."

The minister described the international community's data laws as having three types.

"If we could create some kind of global standard - how do you treat the data? How do you treat depersonalized data? - I think it would help the global economy. That's something we would like to talk about in G7 next year."

Japan's Digital Agency, which Kono heads, was founded in September 2021 with the goal of strengthening the digitalization of Japan.

Japan will host the 2023 G7 summit between May 19-21 in Hiroshima - meaning there are around six months remaining for it to develop its proposed standard.

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