Security News > 2022 > November > What is an External Penetration Test?

What is an External Penetration Test?
2022-11-14 10:30

So how do you go about getting an external penetration test? Scheduling an external pentest should be as simple as asking your managed service provider or IT consultancy, and pointing them at your perimeter systems.

An external pen test is normally run on a "Black Box" basis, which means no privileged information is provided to the testers.

Who's performing your test? Are they a qualified penetration tester? You can find out more about penetration testing certifications and choosing a consultancy in the guide on how to choose a penetration testing company.

External penetration testing vs. vulnerability scanning.

Typically, an external penetration test includes a full external vulnerability scan, but that's just where it gets started.

Whilst an external penetration test is an important assessment to take deep look into the security of your exposed systems, it's best used as an extra service to complement regular vulnerability scanning - which you should already have in place!

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