Security News > 2022 > October > A year of SANS security summits

Sponsored Post Where do the world's cyber security professionals get an opportunity to mingle and swap tips with their global peers while engaging in interactive, hands-on learning exercises that will help them stop cyber criminals in their tracks?
That's the aim of the SANS Summits being held over the next few months, covering everything from pen testing and red/blue/purple team simulation to locking down the Internet of Things and Industrial Control System devices and how best to make use of threat intelligence to predict what hackers are likely to do next.
Features the latest research in pen testing, exploit writing, red teaming and adversary emulation, with experienced cyber security professionals sharing their tried and trusted techniques, tools, and capabilities.
SANS is joining forces with the National Cyber Security Centre to deliver a series of presentations from top global cyber security experts with an emphasis on hands-on techniques and real-world deployments designed to boost your knowledge and skills.
If Threat Intelligence can be defined as the 'Art of Taking the Adversary by Surprise', the SANS Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit delivers an unexpected punch in the quality of the speakers it has lined up for the event.
The cyber security professionals tasked with protecting them from unauthorised access and downtime will welcome the SANS ICS Security Summit, two days of technical talks, panel discussion and a chance to interact their your peers.
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