Security News > 2022 > October > Upgrade your security awareness efforts: Here’s how to start
October is Security Awareness Month, an exciting time as organizations around the world train people how to be cyber secure, both at work and at home.
Security awareness goes by many other names, depending on the organization: security influence, culture, engagement, training, education, etc.
Organizations, cybersecurity leaders and the cybersecurity community will all tell you the same thing: People represent the greatest security risk in today's highly connected world.
Security awareness training has been the traditional approach, and it involves communicating to and training your workforce on how to be cyber secure.
Risks: The security awareness team needs to be an integrated part of the security team, even reporting directly to the CISO. Their job should include working closely with other security elements to clearly identify the top human risks to the organization and the key behaviors that manage those risks.
Policies: We need to start creating security policies, processes, and procedures that are far simpler for people to follow, we should be designing policies with people in mind.
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