Security News > 2022 > October > Consumers care about their data: Learn how to automate privacy and compliance efforts

Consumers care about their data: Learn how to automate privacy and compliance efforts
2022-10-19 19:57

As a result of the increasing concern over consumer data privacy and protection, many government regulations and compliance mandates now focus solely on consumer data protection.

Since the inception of these various consumer data privacy compliance acts, global organizations across diverse industries have faced a common challenge in protecting consumer data to remain compliant.

The following sections describe three foundational technologies and features - automated discovery, automated data mapping and automated data service request handling - that need to be integrated to effectively automate compliance efforts while keeping costs down.

Automated discovery enables data discovery in real time across all regulatory compliance mandates, including GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, PCI, PDPB, PDPL and other data privacy laws across the globe.

Another foundational component of a modern-day consumer data compliance and privacy enforcement system is the ability to automatically handle data service requests in a timely and scalable fashion.

When compliance officers and other trained data compliance professionals put AI automation to work, companies can remain compliant with consumer data privacy mandates in a way that does away with manual pre-processing costs and enables protection against human error and malicious acts.

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