Security News > 2022 > August > GitHub's new privacy policy sparks backlash over tracking cookies

GitHub's new privacy policy sparks backlash over tracking cookies
2022-08-11 07:45

GitHub to add non-essential cookies on marketing pages.

"GitHub is introducing non-essential cookies on web pages that market our products to businesses," explains Olivia Holder, GitHub's Senior Privacy Counsel.

The non-essential cookies in this context, better known as "Tracking cookies" refer to a class of cookies that are shared across multiple websites and web services.

While drawing everyone's attention to the new policy and a "30-day comment period," GitHub Security Engineer Lucas Garron pointed out GitHub's 2020 blog post where the platform had "Removed all non-essential cookies" out of its commitment to "Respecting the privacy of developers using our product."

Reacting to GitHub's new policy wording, users sharply criticized the platform's decision, with some even considering leaving GitHub for GitLab.

Some even drafted a petition, alleging that the new policy wording was "Less transparent,... more unclear and confusing," and urged GitHub to drop marketing cookies altogether.

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