Security News > 2022 > August > Over 3,200 apps leak Twitter API keys, some allowing account hijacks

Over 3,200 apps leak Twitter API keys, some allowing account hijacks
2022-08-01 22:33

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a set of 3,207 mobile apps that are exposing Twitter API keys to the public, potentially enabling a threat actor to take over users' Twitter accounts that are associated with the app.

The discovery belongs to cybersecurity firm CloudSEK, which scrutinized large app sets for potential data leaks and found 3,207 leaking a valid Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for the Twitter API. When integrating mobile apps with Twitter, developers will be given special authentication keys, or tokens, that allow their mobile apps to interact with the Twitter API. When a user associates their Twitter account with this mobile app, the keys also will enable the app to act on behalf of the user, such as logging them in via Twitter, creating tweets, sending DMs, etc.

As having access to these authentication keys could allow anyone to perform actions as associated Twitter users, it is never recommended to store keys directly in a mobile app where threat actors can find them.

CloudSEK explains that the leak of API keys is commonly the result of mistakes by app developers who embed their authentication keys in the Twitter API but forget to remove them when the mobile is released.

CloudSEK explains that the leak of API keys is commonly the result of mistakes by app developers who embed their authentication keys in the Twitter API, but forget to remove them when the mobile is released.

One notable exception was Ford Motors, which responded and deployed a fix on the 'Ford Events' app that was also leaking Twitter API keys.

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