Security News > 2022 > July > BreachForums booms on the back of billion-record Chinese data leak

The popularity of stolen data bazaar BreachForums surged after it was used to sell a giant database of stolen information describing Chinese citizens, threat intelligence firm Cybersixgill said on Thursday.
The number of leaks posted on BreachForums increased - from an average of 14 a month to 52 per month - following the posting of the infamous billion-record Shanghai National Police database in early July, reported Cybersixgill.
"The new Chinese members seem to be interested in a wide variety of what the forum has to offer, including data leaks, streaming accounts, adult content, hacking courses, and cracking tools," wrote Cybersixgill.
The billion-record database allegedly stolen from the Shanghai National Police was posted for sale for 10 Bitcoin in early July.
The database contained names, addresses, birthplaces, national ID numbers, mobile phone numbers as well as details of crimes or cases related to Chinese citizens.
Cybersixgill hypothesized the forum's sudden popularity may be due to China-based criminals believing it is a likely source of useful data.
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