Security News > 2022 > July > Infosec not your job but your responsibility? How to be smarter than the average bear

Infosec not your job but your responsibility? How to be smarter than the average bear
2022-07-25 11:27

What the hell are we supposed to do with this information? Is this an error in the suspicious activity detector? Is this the result of hacking attempts via compromised Microsoft systems? Is it Microsoft bungling some sort of management task? At the time of writing, nobody knows.

That's quite a remarkable response to a threat that's difficult to enumerate.

Pretend you're Evil Haxxor who's got into Microsoft's systems.

Aerospace engineers know the safest, cheapest component to fly is the one that's not there.

It's not a winnable war, and that's OK. If you're not paid to spend all your time as a security professional but have to make decisions about security, and that's most of us, it's a numbers game.

Think like an attacker - and their accountants - and a lot of hard decisions become easier.

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