Security News > 2022 > July > The New Weak Link in SaaS Security: Devices

The New Weak Link in SaaS Security: Devices
2022-07-22 09:33

The challenge in remediating the threats posed by endpoints and devices lies in the ability to correlate between the SaaS app users, their roles, and permissions with their associated devices' compliance and integrity levels.

Not a simple feat automated SaaS Security Posture Management solutions, like Adaptive Shield, can now provide visibility that correlates the SaaS user and their associated devices with the device's hygiene score.

How do you classify high-risk devices in the context of SaaS security?

These high-risk devices serve as a critical threat vector to an organization's SaaS environment.

Security teams should continuously map devices to their users and their associated permissions to get a handle on which devices/users pose the highest risk.

An SSPM solution, like Adaptive Shield, has been built to resolve not only the need for management of the SaaS app configurations themselves, but also the devices the organization's employees use.

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