Security News > 2022 > July > What does software supply chain pain really feel like? Find out right here

What does software supply chain pain really feel like? Find out right here
2022-07-21 10:19

It has also given the cybercriminal community new routes to break into systems, either by exploiting existing vulnerabilities in the software supply chain or by surreptitiously inserting their own.

So just imagine how you'd feel if you found out that a software component or library that you'd developed had a vulnerability that left not just you, but your downstream customers and partners open to attack?

Well, you can get a vivid taste of what it's like by tuning into this upcoming webinar, Supply Chain Pain, streaming here on July 27 at 3pm, courtesy Immersive Labs.

In this session you're thrust into the role of a CISO at a software development company, whose clientele includes Fortune 500 companies.

You, and hundreds of thousands of customers are now vulnerable to a targeted attack, and you have just five days until makes the information public so that organizations can take mitigation actions.

By heading here, registering, and joining Immersive Labs on July 27 you'll be better prepared if you are.

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