Security News > 2022 > July > The importance of secure passwords can’t be emphasized enough

The importance of secure passwords can’t be emphasized enough
2022-07-21 04:00

Despite understanding the importance of strong passwords as a critical security best practice, for most users the ease of memorizing only a few passwords and reusing them everywhere outweighs the increased security risk.

According to our 2021 global report on cybersecurity and online behaviors, slightly more than half of the over 10,000 consumers surveyed use either one single or a few passwords across their online accounts, and approximately a quarter are using one simple password for all of their online accounts.

Password managers, passwords stored in an electronic file and or in physical format are used most frequently for work devices and least frequently for personal phones.

The key to improving general password security is to educate consumers on the risks associated with their online behaviors and provide realistic measures they can employ to better secure their passwords.

Consumers should avoid reusing passwords or sharing passwords with multiple people.

A password manager is a good solution for this; it creates randomized, strong and unique passwords - and then stores them securely.

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