Security News > 2022 > July > FBI warns of phony cryptocurrency apps aiming to steal money from investors

FBI warns of phony cryptocurrency apps aiming to steal money from investors
2022-07-20 13:31

FBI warns of phony cryptocurrency apps aiming to steal money from investors.

The FBI is urging cryptocurrency investors and investment firms to beware of fraudulent cryptocurrency apps that try to steal money from unsuspecting victims.

Released on Monday, the FBI's notice says that cybercriminals have been convincing investors in the U.S. to download the phony apps with the intent of defrauding them of their cryptocurrency.

The apps in question impersonate legitimate programs by copying their names, logos and other details to then direct people to malicious websites in an attempt to access their cryptocurrency funds.

Using a phony app spoofing the program of a legitimate financial institution, the criminals convinced victims to deposit cryptocurrency into their alleged wallets.

Also See Share: FBI warns of phony cryptocurrency apps aiming to steal money from investors.

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