Security News > 2022 > July > How to spot your biggest security threat? Just look out for the humans

How to spot your biggest security threat? Just look out for the humans
2022-07-05 15:18

How would you describe the biggest security threat to your organization? Perhaps you envision a faceless cybercrime syndicate or hostile state.

As SANS Institute senior instructor Lance Spitzner explains in this analysis of Verizon's latest Data Breach Incident Report, your biggest security threat is actually the humans you work with day in, day out.

The VZ DBIR has provided a global, vendor neutral insight into the most common drivers of cyber security incidents and breaches for the last 15 years, enabling IT and business leaders to make data driven decisions on the greatest risks facing their organizations, and how to manage them.

You can ensure those risks are baked into your overall security strategy by developing a Security Awareness Maturity Program that doesn't just seek to make people comply with a series of tick boxes, but actively changes their behavior and ultimately creates a secure culture.

You can start with SANS Institute's course, Managing Human Risk: Mature Security Awareness Programs, which draws lessons from hundreds of such programs around the world.

All of which will set you on the path to not just changing your workforce's security behavior but changing its underlying culture.

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