Security News > 2022 > June > Trends to watch when creating security strategy for the next two years

Executive performance evaluations will be increasingly linked to ability to manage cyber risk; almost one-third of nations will regulate ransomware response within the next three years; and security platform consolidation will help organizations thrive in hostile environments, according to the top cybersecurity predictions revealed by Gartner.
In the opening keynote at the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit in Sydney, Richard Addiscott, Senior Director Analyst and Rob McMillan, Managing VP at Gartner discussed the top predictions prepared by Gartner cybersecurity experts to help security and risk management leaders be successful in the digital era.
Gartner recommends that cybersecurity leaders build the following strategic planning assumptions into their security strategies for the next two years.
With a hybrid workforce and data everywhere accessible by everything, vendors are offering an integrated security service edge solution to deliver consistent and simple web, private access and SaaS application security.
The term zero trust is now prevalent in security vendor marketing and in security guidance from governments.
As a result, Gartner expects to see a shift in formal accountability for the treatment of cyber risks from the security leader to senior business leaders.
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