Security News > 2022 > June > Chrome browser extension lets you remove specific sites from search results

Chrome browser extension lets you remove specific sites from search results
2022-06-18 15:50

The uBlackList browser extension lets you clean up search results by removing specific sites when searching on Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and other search engines.

uBlackList is a browser extension for both Chromium and Firefox that allows you to input a list of websites you want to be blocked from search results.

From the options screen, you can add the sites you would like to block from search results using regular expressions or match patterns, as shown below.

"Even more helpful, the extension adds a 'Block this site" link next to URLs shown in search results, easily letting you block sites as you see them.

By default, the extension will only remove search results from Google, but as we said previously, it also supports blocking sites in the Bing, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, Qwant, StartPage, and Yahoo! Japan search engines.

I tested the extension throughout the day and found that it did a great job removing sites that I felt were cluttering up search results related to malware removal.

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