Security News > 2022 > June > Extortion gang ransoms Shoprite, largest supermarket chain in Africa

Extortion gang ransoms Shoprite, largest supermarket chain in Africa
2022-06-15 16:28

Shoprite Holdings, Africa's largest supermarket chain that operates almost three thousand stores across twelve countries in the continent, has been hit by a ransomware attack.

"Additional security measures to protect against further data loss were implemented by amending authentication processes and fraud prevention and detection strategies to protect customer data," mentions the firm's statement.

Yesterday, the ransomware gang known as RansomHouse took responsibility for the attack, posting an evidence sample of 600GB of data it claims it stole from the retailer during the attack.

RansomHouse is a new group of threat actors who launched their operations in December 2021 and later set up an extortion site where they post evidence of stolen data.

While there have been encrypted files related to RansomHouse, the threat actors claim that they do not engage in encryption and only perform data theft and extortion.

Still, the issue of stolen data remains, and Shoprite has warned clients in the announcement that the possibility of that data being used by unauthorized parties is significant.

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