Security News > 2022 > May > What is keeping automotive software developers up at night?

What is keeping automotive software developers up at night?
2022-05-27 03:30

Perforce Software released the results of its annual State of Automotive Software Development survey conducted in partnership with Automotive IQ. Close to 600 automotive development professionals across the globe provided responses to current practices and emerging trends within the industry.

Key findings suggest a growing concern for automotive software security, while the automotive vehicle market continues to rapidly evolve.

With the continued growth of autonomous, semi-autonomous, electric, and connected vehicle segments, software is even more central to automotive development.

76% of automotive developers have adopted or are in the process of adopting a shift-left strategy to identify software security and safety vulnerabilities as early as possible.

The survey found that automotive developers' top three leading concerns are safety, security, and quality.

"Safety continues to be the automotive software industry's key priority, but security concerns continue to rise as the need to protect automotive electronic systems, communication networks, and software grows," said Perforce VP of Product Ido Benmoshe.

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