Security News > 2022 > May > Quad nations pledge deeper collaboration on infosec, data-sharing, and more

Quad nations pledge deeper collaboration on infosec, data-sharing, and more
2022-05-25 07:57

Leaders of the Quad alliance - Australia, India, Japan, and the USA - met on Tuesday and revealed initiatives to strengthen collaboration on emerging technologies and cybersecurity, with an unspoken subtext of neutralizing China.

"Today, we - prime minister Anthony Albanese of Australia, prime minister Narendra Modi of India, prime minister Fumio Kishida of Japan, and president Joe Biden of the United States - convene in Tokyo to renew our steadfast commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific that is inclusive and resilient," declared the Quad in a very formal statement.

The Quad could offer an alternative to China's techno-authoritarian model.

Like a Quad Infrastructure Coordination Group that aims to improve digital connectivity and supply chains, without explicitly explaining how it will be done.

According to CSET, the Quad could "Offer an alternative to China's techno-authoritarian model of technology development and use," but it faces non-negligible barriers like "Different approaches to data governance, varying economic and technological capabilities, and divergent geopolitical priorities."

"The Quad offers a forum to build trust, identify opportunities for joint research ventures, and gather AI entrepreneurs, investors, and strategic industry partners to increase and diversify technology collaboration. But the prospects for its success depend largely on building stronger ties among US allies beyond their bilateral linkages to the United States," explained CSET researchers.

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