Security News > 2022 > May > Europe proposes tackling child abuse by killing privacy, strong encryption

Europe proposes tackling child abuse by killing privacy, strong encryption
2022-05-12 06:35

Proposed Europe regulations that purport to curb child abuse by imposing mass surveillance would be a "Disaster" for digital privacy and strong encryption, say cybersecurity experts.

A number of options have been put forward for lawmakers to mull that aim to encourage or ensure online service providers and messaging apps tackle the "Detection, removal, and reporting of previously-known and new child sexual abuse material and grooming."

These options range from voluntary detection and reporting of child sexual abuse material and grooming, to legally mandating that service providers find and report such material using whatever detection technology they wish - essentially scanning all private communications and, if necessary, breaking end-to-end encryption for everyone.

"The EU proposal is incompatible with end-to-end encryption and with basic privacy rights," Mullin continued.

"In case you missed it, today is the day that the European Union declares war upon end-to-end encryption, and demands access to every persons private messages on any platform in the name of protecting children," tweeted Alec Muffet, who architected and led Facebook Messenger's end-to-end encryption effort.

The UK government's ongoing rumblings against end-to-end encryption also relies heavily on similar think-of-the-children and Facebook-harbors pedophiles rhetoric.

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