Security News > 2022 > May > US Cyber Command shored up nine nations' defenses last year

US Cyber Command chief General Paul Nakasone said has revealed the agency he leads conducted nine "Hunt forward" operations last year, sending teams to different counties to help them improve their defensive security posture and hunt for cyberthreats.
These missions provide "Security for our nation in cyberspace," said Nakasone, who is also director of the National Security Agency, during a Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats at Vanderbilt University.
The foreign countries benefit from US cybersecurity tools and threat intel, and US Cyber Command gets to put sensors on these nation's networks, which gives the military better visibility into threats beyond America's border.
The agency's first hunt-forward exercise sent a Cyber Command team to Ukraine in 2018 with the goal to "Understand what our adversaries are doing, being able to capture that and then being able to share it," Nakasone said.
Quickly marshalling defenses against both cyber and physical threats also requires tools like big data, AI and machine learning, he added.
"We will rely on cyber operations and space for most of our intelligence collection and critical key insights of our adversaries." .
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